St. Louis Cathedral

When we travel, my inner Catholic sometimes gets a little giddy when I discover a local attraction that appeals to the spiritual side. At times, I have led Kurt on a wild goose chase in and around Remote-ville USA trying to find a certain holy location discovered via an internet search. Rarely are our efforts fruitless, but, I have to admit, we welcome those points of interest that easily accessible, like the iconic St. Louis Cathedral. 

Overlooking Jackson Square, the St. Louis Cathedral is the oldest continuously active Roman Catholic Church in the United States. This structure was built in the 1850’s after the original structure, built in 1727, was destroyed by fire in 1794. 

The simple grandeur of the exterior is complimented with an awe-inspiring interior, including amazing paintings, stained glass, and while we were there, Christmas decorations. Absolutely breathtaking, visitors of all faiths are invited in, and can take self guided tours when services are not scheduled. 

Peace and beauty amidst the lively, and perhaps, precarious, setting of the French Quarter, St. Louis Cathedral is a must see in the Big Easy.

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