Mt. Nebo Sunset

Mt. Nebo is my retreat spot.  Located on State Highway 155 west of Dardanelle, it’s less than twenty miles from my house.  If I need a good dose of peace and tranquility, and have a couple of hours to spare, automatically Mt. Nebo State Park comes to mind.

One sunny winter day in 2014, Mt. Nebo crossed  Kurt’s mind.

“Come on Sabi, the sky is beautiful.  Let’s go take sunset pictures of Mt. Nebo.”

Off they went, father and daughter, teacher and student, and….dare I say…..the wise one and the grasshopper…..and with intensity that matches her father’s, she ever so gently situated the camera on the perfect spot of Sunset Point.


Painstaking measures, the optimal angle, and the proper stance are necessary to get the ideal shot!


Sometimes texting a friend for support is imperative…


Then Nature begins to cooperate, and everything falls into place.  Magnificence overcomes human flaws.


One of Sabrina’s pics from that day received state honors at the Arkansas Beta Convention, qualifying her for a trip to Nationals in Mobile, Alabama.  I guess the student was ready to receive instruction on that chilly day in February.


The picture on my blog header is of the sunset taken that day at Mt. Nebo State Park.

It’s my little gift of refuge.


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